A: A good reason to reserve or book a car service in Houston— one thing for sure, it takes worries away from you. If you’re attending an important event or traveling late at night or coming back home after a long trip on a plane. You don’t want to be driving tired, so definitely using a car service in Houston makes for less worries and is a lot more comfortable.
You can relax or work from the back of the car. You can also make your phone calls or even rest without having to worry about traffic or unfamiliar areas you might not be comfortable driving through.
So, using a car service in Houston definitely provides more safety and comfort. Also, it’s just fun to go wherever you’re going— whether a dinner or something and feel very important.
Most people, when going to an Astros game or a concert, skip the hassle of parking by using rideshares or taxi services. However, there’s a better alternative. Using a car service in Houston such as Excelsior makes sense for many reasons.
Many people hear the phrase, “car service in Houston” and they think it has to do with mechanics. That’s understandable, as the concept of a car service has been somewhat diluted by ridesharing companies.
What these companies such as, (we won’t name names, but they rhyme with goober and grift) do, is try and copy that concept.
However, their services don’t rely on professionals with driving safety certifications, extensive background checks, and a reliable fleet of luxury vehicles. So, when you use these rideshare apps, you’re really taking a gamble.
Don’t believe us? Watch the news.
We’re not saying these companies are doing bad business. Their business model just doesn’t offer the level of safety, comfort, and professionalism a true car service in Houston does.
Why You Should Trust Our Car Service In Houston Vs. Rideshare Or Taxi
We could just go down the list of reasons why our car service is better than a rideshare or a taxi, and we will. However, first, let’s just highlight a few public reviews we’ve seen on the internet with taxi and rideshare customers.
No VIP For You!
“If I could rate [name redacted] zero stars I would. I paid for the luxury level car type for our anniversary night concert, and it was anything but! The car did not really have leather, rather faux leather seat covers. It smelled like pizza like this doubled as a delivery car and he had trash and boxes in the back he had to move to the trunk before we could get in, mind you, it was RAINING!
We were already running late as he could not find the Hilton Americas which is only one of the most well-known hotels in downtown Houston.
The driver talked on his cell phone the whole way to the concert in The Woodlands and pretty much ignored us when we asked questions. One of those questions was what side of the venue he could drop us off at.
He dropped us off 4 blocks from the entrance, and while it wasn’t pouring down by this time, it was still sprinkling. We asked could he not drop us off at the entrance like we’ve had before, and he sharply said, “no, this is where I drop you off no closer.”
[service name redacted] has really gone downhill in quality of drivers and service, they didn’t even offer us a refund or credit!
Fast & The Furious Taxi Driver
“OMG, the Taxi driver that we booked online was literally speeding to beat the red lights going down 1960 and when we asked him to slow down, he was so rude that we canceled the ride and had him let us out at the gas station by 45. “His sharp and loud reply was, you were late, I waited 5 minutes for you and I’m going to be late for my regular job. So, I gotta hurry ma’am!” Mind you, we specifically put in the terminal we were waiting at outside Bush. He blamed us when we got in saying we didn’t put that in the request. Then we showed him the screen and he didn’t say a word to us until we complained about the speeding, we didn’t feel safe. NEVER TAKING A TAXI AGAIN! I’d rather pay for parking next time.
Ace Ventura: Rideshare Driver?
I’ve been on a lot of [service name redacted] and this is by far not the weirdest ride I’ve been on but still very unprofessional. First off, the car was nice and clean, but about 5 minutes into the ride I noticed a scratchy feeling in my throat and sneezing. I figured allergies were just acting up from the ragweed…until I heard a cat meow.
I asked the driver was there a cat in the vehicle because I’m very allergic to their dander. She was polite, but dismissive at the same time and told me, “Yes this is my last ride and I have an appointment at the vet for my cat. She’s crated and up front with me, so she can’t get out.” I explained that I was allergic and she said she didn’t know what else to do and could cancel the ride and drop me off if needed.
I chose to cancel but was told to contact [service name redacted] for a refund, which they did give me but I had to wait for another ride and needed a Benadryl after that ride. I’m pretty sure the rules are nobody but the passengers in the vehicle, that includes pets, right? Thankfully, a few days later I got $25 in ride credits from [service name redacted] for the inconvenience, but still!
Skip The Side Show Book Excelsior
Do you really need to hear more horror stories? If you do just a bit of research on rideshare and taxicab complaints and you’ll see recurring complaints such as:
- Car smells
- Rude Driver
- Late Pickup/Dropoff
- Fare Manipulation
- Dirty Interior
Don’t take the chance of having one of these experiences yourself. When you book car service in Houston through Excelsior you get a true car service experience:
Ultimate Comfort
Rideshare and traditional taxis normally have a ton of wear and tear on them which takes a toll on the interior. With rideshares, you never know what kind of car you’re being picked up in. Two people riding passenger in a Prius is NOT the same as two people in a luxury sedan.
All of our fleet is luxury from the start. Leather interior, cold AC, spacious legroom, and plush seating. You can fall asleep in our vehicles; they ride smooth and feel elegant.
Luxury Looks, Luxury Attitude
A Prius from rideshare might be ok for a quick trip to HEB for some essentials. However, for an important business meeting or anniversary evening—you need the luxury class.
Honestly, that’s the whole point of car service in Houston— look good, feel good, ALL GOOD! Our fleets from sedans to buses are all black, all luxury, and perfect for important events. Cars are waxed regularly and get a thorough hand wash before every booking.
As the result, your car shows up sparkling and looking like million dollars and making you feel the same.
You’ll never have any of the above types of drivers mentioned in some of those rideshare reviews. One of the main reasons is—we pay our drivers very well.
The level of pay we offer is leagues ahead of what rideshare drivers make, not to mention benefits and accountability BOTH WAYS.
We hold ourselves accountable to treat our drivers well, providing them with the education and training needed, and we pay well.
This motivates our drivers to consistently give 100% at their job and always keep improving. We feel that when you pay people well, they value their job more. This translates into pride in their work and they will work hard to keep that job. We are a family at Excelsior, and it shows by how we come together to get the job done.
So, that impacts you because you get drivers that are dedicated to your service alone while on the clock. They show up on time, at your service. Drivers follow all traffic laws and maintain a level of situational awareness and safe driving that ensures your well-being.
Additionally, they engage with you when you want to engage, and they are happy to answer any questions. Service is at the top of their list of duties.
The Price is The Price
It’s frustrating on these rideshare apps or with taxis to get a straight answer on the cost of your transportation. With rideshare, you check a price, and 20 minutes later, they up the prices because it’s peak time.
We don’t do that, and we don’t run a meter like a taxi. When you get a price quote from Excelsior, that’s the price—period. Any gratuity you want to add is up to you and does not give you better or worse service. We ALWAYS give our best no matter what.
Having these exact price quotes helps in budgeting for your department, or your special event, there’s no last-minute surprises in the price.
Book The Best Car Service In Houston Today!
We’ve laid out all the facts for you, we’ve broken down why a true car service is a better value. However, there will still be people that say, “Why hire a professional when you can go with one of the rideshares for less?”
Our answer to that question— “If you think hiring a car service is expensive, wait until you hire an amateur!”
In all seriousness, when you factor in all the value you get with our car service, and the risks you run with a rideshare or taxi, it really makes sense to book with us.
So, what are you waiting for, come see just what a good value car service from Excelsior is.